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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)


Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)



Anxiety can be defined in a number of ways.  Sometimes its excessive worry that doesn't stop.  Sometimes its feal and worry in social settings.  At other times its fea of specific things (phobias) such as dogs, blood, vomit, etc.  It can also be obsessions and complusions.  Anxiety becomes a problem in life when it begins to interfere with daily functioning and how you live and what, and where you like to go.  


Anxiety Problems I work with: Generalized Anxiety, Socail Anxiety, Phobias, Obsessions & Compulsions.

Depression & Mood

Mood disorder can have many faces and a lot of different symptoms.  It can be major depression, persistent depression (also called dysthymia), or an adjustment reaction to something that has happened in your life, or even a grief reaction.


Common symptoms of depression include: sleep problems, low energy, social and familial withdrawal, loss of interest in enjoyable activities, thoughts of hopelessness, feelings of worthlessness etc.  Some times individuals with depression also have symptoms of whats called mania and these include: decreased need for sleep, grandiose beliefs about self, impsulive behavior around money, sex, drugs, alcohol, and sometimes bizzare or strange beliefs (delusions).


Mood Problems I work with: Depression (Major, or Persistent), Bipolar Disorder


Trauma & Stress
Trauma & Stress Reaction

We live in a stressful world and for the most part, we are able to handle and manage life's stressors and other difficult situations thrown at us, just fine.  BUT....sometimes, things happen to us, or around us, that is too much for our minds to handle.  This can be situations in which we are hurt or threatened in some way (assault, accident, sexual assault, witnessing these things etc) or they can be the effects of bullying, harassment, abuse, neglect etc.


Trauma & Stress Problems I work With: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Acute Stress Disorder

New Dads
New Dads

Becoming a father, whether its for the first time, or for the second, third, or fourth time, is a life changing moment.  Its joyous, scary, frustrating, and emotional all at the same time.  That being said, it also brings many changes.  Dynamics of relationships change, our identities as men change, our needs are put aside to take care of our new additions, and sometimes we struggle to know who we are.  


This kind of change can bring about anxiety, depression, anger, confusion, and a loss of sense of self.  At times, this change can also be traumatic and we can have a traumatic reaction to the birth.  I use EMDR and CBT to help heal from these experiences and symptoms.



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Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Contact Me

For any questions you have, you can reach me here:

Kevin Christo MSW, RCSW, RSW

#313, 300 8 Varsity Estates Cir. NW

Calgary, Alberta


(403) 863-0834

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